



高中/本科毕业去瑞典读 本科/博士


Bachelor and Doctoral Studies


I want to study at a Bachelor programme at Chalmers, what should I do?

If you want to study at Bachelor level at Chalmers, you need to prove that you have enough Swedish language skills since all the Bachelor programmes at Chalmers are taught in Swedish.



How do I become a PhD student at Chalmers and how much would the fees be?

Unlike many other universities, Chalmers does not charge tuition fees for PhD students. Usually, a PhD student is considered as a fulltime employee and is entitled to the corresponding benefits (salary, social benefits, etc.).



Master Studies


What are the Master's programmes available at Chalmers?

Chalmers University of Technology offers 41 Master's programmes out of which 40 are taught in English and one is in Swedish. Besides that, together with other Nordic universities, we offer Nordic Five Tech's joint Master's programmes that lead to a double Master's degree.



What are the eligibility criteria for the Master's programmes at Chalmers?

Chalmers has general entry requirements that are the same for all Master's programmes. In addition to these, each Master's programme has specific entry requirements. The programme-specific requirements are provided at each programme web page under the section - "Entry Requirements".



Are there specific amounts of credits required for the prerequisite courses?

Should there be a specific number of credits specified for a course requirement, such as for example “Mathematics at least 30 cr.”, then this should be regarded as a minimum criteria. Should you have less credits than the ones required but you fulfill all the other prerequisites (such as other course requirements and the correct Bachelor's major), then we would still encourage you to make an application. You might still stand a chance in the competition, since the evaluation made by Chalmers Admissions is ultimately an overall assessment.



Does Chalmers require me to prove my English skills?

Yes. Proficiency in English language is one of the specific entry requirements. If you will submit a result from an English test (such as for example IELTS or TOEFL), please note that Chalmers does not make exceptions from the minimum scores.



If I do not meet the English requirements, can I be admitted on the condition that I take an English course at Chalmers to compensate?

No, you must meet the English requirements when applying for a programme, otherwise your application will be rejected.



How can I convert the credits from my university’s credit system into the Chalmers credits system?

Chalmers Admissions is aware of the fact that all countries do not have the same education systems, and this is taken into consideration in the assessment of applications. If you need help comparing the credits of your education system it might be good to know that 30 credits at Chalmers equals one semester (half an academic year) of studies. Thus, in order to satisfy a requirement of for example 30 credits, the courses you have taken within the specific course requirements field needs to equal 30 Chalmers credits (i.e. half an academic year), when we convert your University’s credits into Chalmers credits.



Does Chalmers need me to submit a GRE test?

No, Chalmers does not need your GRE test results.



I am from X University and I have a major in Y, with Z in my English test. Could you tell me my chance to be admitted before I submit my application? If not, why?

No. Chalmers Admissions cannot beforehand give any definite answers to whether an applicant is eligible - nor whether s/he will be admitted. One of the reasons is that Chalmers Admissions compares your complete application with the ones of other applicants.



I have sent my supporting documentation to University Admissions by regular mail, how do I know when my documents have arrived?

If you submitted your documents via regular post, you may receive notification from the delivery service that they have been delivered. This does not mean they have been scanned and registered in the electronic admissions system.



If I am admitted to one programme, can I transfer to another programme?

You may apply for a transfer in Master’s programmes two weeks after enrollment. This application can be made only via the Student Counsellor who will guide you further. There is no guarantee of a place being available or you being eligible for the other programme. The application for a transfer will be reviewed and assessed to ensure that the applicant fulfills all the requirements of the new programme.


你可以在注册之后的两周申请转硕士项目。这项申请只能通过Student Counsellor实现,Student Counsellor会给你进一步的指导。不保证有名额,也不保证你有资格申请其他项目。学校会对转项目申请进行审核和评估,确保申请人满足新项目的所有要求。

Where can I find the schedule for my courses?

You can find all schedules on TimeEdit. On TimeEdit schedules can be generated based on various criteria including programme name, course name, course code and even the name of classrooms or the teacher. The schedule shows information including dates, times, locations and even which programmes are related to the lecture.





Does Chalmers guarantee accommodation for its students?

Chalmers guarantees accommodation only for international students who pay tuition fees (if you have been awarded a scholarship, either from Chalmers or from the Swedish Institute, you count as a fee-paying student as well) and for students within some study agreements. However, note that the accommodation guarantee is valid only between certain dates, so please follow the instructions given in the email that you will receive after the deadline for replying to your offer of study seat in the middle of April (for fee-paying students).



I need to find accommodation. Does Chalmers have dormitories for its students?

Accommodation in Gothenburg is not in the form of dormitories, rather it is in the form of student apartments. Chalmers University of Technology does not own any apartments, but Chalmers collaborates with 3 different housing companies: SGS Studentbostäder, Chalmers Studentbostäder and Boplats Göteborg to make this possible. There are different kinds of student apartments varying in size, location, facilities and amenities, number of rooms, rent and so on.


哥德堡的住宿属于学生公寓,不是宿舍。查尔姆斯理工大学没有学生公寓,不过学校和三家房产地公司( SGS Studentbostäder, Chalmers Studentbostäder 和Boplats Göteborg)有合作,为学生提供公寓。不同学生公寓在房间大小、地点、设备、便利设施、房间数量、租金等方面不尽相同。

I'm a non-fee paying student. Does Chalmers help me with accommodation?

If you are a student from within the EU/EEA region you are not guaranteed any accommodation by the university. You will have to find accommodation on your own.



Residence Permit


Do I need a residence permit to study in Sweden?

Citizens of EU/EEA countries do not need a residence permit to study in Sweden. Citizens of countries outside of the EU/EEA region need a residence permit to study in Sweden for more than 3 months.



How soon should I apply for a residence permit?

We recommend that you apply for a residence permit as soon as you have been admitted. The waiting time can take two months or more and you will need to come to Sweden before the semester starts.



I have been waiting a long time for my residence permit and I do not have much time left before the semester starts. Could Chalmers expedite the process with the Swedish Migration Agency?

No. Usually it is the Swedish Migration Agency who handles your application and makes a decision regarding your residence permits. You are advised to contact the Swedish Migration Agency directly. Chalmers and the Swedish Migration Agency exchange information on a regular basis, but they are organizations independent from each other and cannot influence each other’s work.



I applied for a residence permit for two years, but I received a permit valid for only one year. Why?

You are granted a residence permit for only one year at a time. At the end of the first year, you may apply for an extension. You do not need to travel back to your home country in order to apply for an extension.



Swedish Language


Can I survive in Sweden without learning Swedish?

Yes. Almost everybody in Sweden speaks fluent English.



So you mean I do not to need to learn Swedish at all?

You don’t need to, but learning some Swedish will definitely help you understand the culture better and it will increase your chances to get a job in Sweden, if that is what you want.



Does Chalmers help me learn Swedish?

Chalmers offers all its fee-paying students a free six months beginner’s course in Swedish at Folkuniversitetet. Other students are offered a 20% discount on the Swedish language course fee.


查尔姆斯理工大学在 Folkuniversitetet向所有需要支付学费的学生提供有免费的半年初级瑞典语课程。其他学生可以享受八折瑞典语课程费优惠。

Other than Folkuniversititet, what are my Swedish learning resources in Gothenburg?

When you arrive in Sweden and get your personal identity number, you will be able to register to a free Swedish course called Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) provided by the Swedish government.


在瑞典,你可以拿个人识别码注册免费瑞典语课程 Swedish for Immigrants(瑞典移民),该课程由瑞典政府提供。

After Arrival


How can I get a personal identity number?

Individuals who plan to stay for one year or more must apply with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) to be entered into the Swedish Population Register (Folkbokföring). A successful application results in a personal identity number being generated for that individual and the number is sent to the Swedish postal address of that individual. More information on how to get a personal identity number, document requirements and so on can be found on the website of the Swedish Tax Agency. To be able to get a part time job, you will need to have a personal identity number.



How do I start a bank account?

Normally you need a Swedish personal identity number if you want to open a bank account in Sweden. If you do not have a personal identity number or cannot get one you can go to the SEB bank. Chalmers has an agreement with SEB, enabling you to open a bank account without having a personal identity number.



How does the public transportation work in Gothenburg?

Gothenburg is very well connected by public transport. If you want to transport between the airport and the city center, you are advised to use the Airport Coaches (Flygbussarna). Public transport in Gothenburg and a few surrounding regions is managed by Västtrafik.


哥德堡的公共交通很好。对于机场和市中心之间的交通,建议你选择Airport Coaches。哥德堡以及周边少数地区的公共交通由Västtrafik经管。

How does it work with health care?

Students who have a personal identity number or an European health care card are entitled to the same health care benefits as Swedish citizens. In case of a medical requirement, all you need to do is to take yourself to or call the nearest clinic (Vårdcentral) and the personnel there will be able to instruct you further.

European students are encouraged to ensure to carry their European Health Card with them when they come to Sweden.



How can I spend my free time?

Chalmers International Reception Committee (CIRC) and the Chalmers Student Union often have a lot of events that you can attend. You can follow them on Facebook and get updated. You can also explore the city with Göteborg & Co.


查尔姆斯国际接待委员会和查尔姆斯学生会有许多活动,你可以参加。可以关注他们的脸书,了解最新消息。也可以借助Göteborg & Co探索城市。

