


瑞典留学 丰厚的瑞典国家奖学金



       大家都知道,经济危机以后,北欧的大部分国家(瑞典,挪威,芬兰,丹麦)都开始收取学费, 真不知道这些政府能从学费里赚到个多少钱。这还不是要了我们穷苦学生的命么? 本来北欧生活费就贵了,现在还受学费?! 但是天无绝人之路! 今天为大家详细介绍下丰厚的瑞典国家奖学金!!!为了诱惑一下大家,在这里先和大家分享一下奖学金金额!

       如果你获得了该奖学金, 你就真是中奖了! 首先是SI会一次性支付你15,000瑞典克朗(SEK) 的机票费用; 之后在开学后的每个月会受到9000SEK补助, 换算成人民币大约为8662RMB (前段时间汇率还比较高,瑞典克朗又贬值了么)。

  除了给你提供机票, 免学费, 每个月的生活补助, SI还为奖学金获得者提供保险,免签证申请费用; 在瑞典国内有SI赞助的活动或者讲座, SI都会报销交通费以及住宿费来鼓励奖学金获得者参加。所以大家还不快快努力, 这么好的奖学金机会,怎么可以错过?当然大家说瑞典生活费也很高啊,这个钱够不够呢! 我先告诉你,够,绝对够!我个人是2013年的奖学金获得者,希望能够帮助更多的同学获得更好的学习和发展机会。现在我们言归正传:

  SI奖学金目的正如其官网所说 “SI strives to build up and develop good, lasting relationships, exchanges and networks with people and institutions in other countries”

  任何加入SI的奖学金获得者,都是SI Network for future global leaders项目的成员。在来到瑞典时候,将有机会去斯德哥尔摩 (当然SI将负责你的交通以及住宿)一年一度的大会。有机会见到来自世界各地的SI奖学金获得者, 以及SI的工作人员。(那个时候,你真的要去谢谢他们!)


  The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships : targeted at highly qualified students from from selected countries around the world. The scholarship is available for master’s degree level programmes.

  Bilateral exchange programmes: offered to nationals of China, Italy, and Japan. Scholarships are awarded for the purpose of research, university studies, or training.


  SI Scholarships for East Europe is available for master’s level studies and open to applicants from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia.

  Swedish-Turkish Programme aims at citizens of Turkey pursuing master’s level or advanced level studies in Sweden in the field of social sciences and law, such as International and European Relations, European Affairs, European Law, or Human Rights Law.

  The Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange Fund is open to applicants from the U.S. and awards grants for visits in Sweden for two to four weeks. It is specifically intended for professional enrichment.

  The Visby Programme offers scholarships for academic and expert mobility within the Baltic Sea Region and primarily targets master students, PhD students, post-docs and senior scientists from Sweden, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine.

  The North2north student exchange program offers scholarships and tuition fee waivers for Russian students from the universities participating in the University of the Arctic cooperation. The scholarships are available for studies at Luleå University of Technology, Mid Sweden University, Umeå University and Stockholm University.

